Our Values


This is our foremost guiding principle. All our operations are guided by honesty, trust and honor.


Our commitment is to provide timely, professional, effective and efficient service to all our clients. We constantly review our processes and procedures to ensure we improve our clients’ experience.


We are reliable and aim to deliver consistently on our promise.

How We Work

We are set up to work in an agile manner, utilizing technology and tapping into collaborative relationships with other legal professionals and other experts and technical teams across all sectors to ensure the best result for our clients at the most effective cost.

Our operations support the following Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) themes:


Being a responsible steward of our natural environment:

  • We seek to reduce our impact on the environment by relying on technology to support our operations. We will not print out documents unless the law demands it!   
  • We aim to grow our Staff’s collective age in indigenous trees each year to replenish our forests and stem climate change and greenhouse gas emission.

We treat our staff, partners everyone with dignity and respect:

  • We meet our legal and other obligations with respect to employment, working conditions and pay. 
  • We support the community in which we operate through funding of projects or institutions that serve the underserved with specific focus on education and the provision of opportunities for advancement for the youth.

Our operations are structured to ensure:

  • We are apolitical and use utmost integrity as our compass in all dealings.
  • We do not participate in and have no tolerance for bribery or other corrupt or fraudulent dealings.
  • We embrace diversity and inclusion in our structure.
Antoinette Absaloms

Meet the Principal

Antoinette A. Absaloms is an Advocate of the High Court of Kenya, a Commissioner for Oaths and Notary Public and a practicing Certified Secretary (CS).   She is also a Certified Governance Auditor by the Institute of Certified Secretaries of Kenya (ICS) and Certified as a Trustee by the Retirement Benefits Authority of Kenya (RBA)

"... whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things."

- Phillipians 4:8